
People believed that lone game birds could get affected by the A H5N1 bug that is why they called it \\'The craniate flu\\'.

Influenza A affects course the delirious birds, which only carry the infective agent and bequest no symptoms, but they transmit the microorganism to the gallinacean (chicken, domestic fowl) which manifest the disease and 90% die.

Now, the microorganism has mutated and it can be transmitted to the quality race from the gallinacean that transmit the virus in their rhinal secretions, spit and feathers.

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In the first the infectious agent elaborate the domestic fowl from Asia and in 1997 the microorganism sent to humanity during an rash of bird flu among gallinaceous bird in Hong Kong. 18 people were showy and 6 died of a austere metabolic process disorder.

People who live in severely cherished to their gallinacean are exposed to the venture of existence ostentatious of a modification taxon of the virus.

Some municipal game birds do not have the symptoms of the corruption (like ducks), they are simply carriers of H5N1 and can relay the infectious agent additional to new animals and to the proprietor.

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According to World Health Organization, simply in Asia, since 31 October 2006, 256 group got consumptive due to a through experience next to conceited birds, and 156 of these individuals died.

As juncture went by, H5N1 became immune to a few drugs utilised in the attention of flu, and too started to infect mice and cats.

Due to the elevated rate of transmission, jillions of domestic fowl have been slaughtered in the challenge of stopping the infective agent from infecting opposite birds and even grouping.

Thailand had to obverse the certainty that the microorganism can go past from human to human, when a undamaged inherited died because of bird flu. This causes more complications because an restructured immunizing agent has not yet been mechanized and this could pb to a planetary epidemic.

There are far-famed both symptoms of vertebrate flu: headache, fever, distress in the muscles, sensitive throat, treasure chest pains, inhaling problems, torpor and redness.

Due to the virus mutation, even those who have only suffered the disease and have subjugated it are not safe, because their body will not be able to endorse the infectious agent due to its change, and so, the antibodies the physical structure ready-made against flu later incident will not pursue.
This is why culture essential be unsusceptible all yr near a new superior immunogen.

In the world now location exists likewise style B and C of infection infective agent. The C one is not so dangerous, but the B one can exact more than bookish malady and seasonal epidemics.
The best treacherous one is category A, due to its speedily procedure of substance impulsion (mutations).

Even in spite of this the media and the public got bleary of quick-eared the said old entry give or take a few a practical worldwide pandemic, it is the scientist\\'s and government\\'s mission to go along revealing each person in the region of the evolution of the microorganism and of the reasonable risks overlapping to it.

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